
What is full form of URL? | What is URL

What is full form of URL

URL Full Form

The full form or full name of "Uniform Resources Locator"

If we analyze it then we will find.

  • U - Uniform
  • R - Resources
  • L -  Locator
the URL was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1994.  Friends URLs are case-sensitive, ie in this you have to take care of lower case and upper case.  This is the standard way to provide the address of any resource on the internet.

You and we often use URLs while using intrnet, you should know that it is only right to have URL on the world wide web.  This is because the URL can also be pointed to a local network resource such as database, lcally hosted website etc. Friends URL is used by a web browser to access a website or web page in internet.  The URL consists of three things protocol, domain name and domain code. The use of the URL tells the address of the information available on the internet and it also shows the protocol and domain name of the information.

How the URL works Let's know, when you type a URL on the Internet, you have to use the URL to access the address of any document or resource, without this you cannot access the address of the document.  You will know that the first part of the URL is called the protocol identifier and the second part is called the resource name. Here the first part tells which protocol will be used and the second part tells the IP address or domain name of that resource.  for example

The website specifies the first part 'https' in the URL to use the 'https' protocol while the second part resource specifies the domain name.

What is URL

Friends, if you surf the internet, then there is no doubt that you must have heard about the URL and along with listening, you must have used it, the full form of the URL is Uniform Resource Locator, which makes a website or page of a website  Represents, or leads you to a web page. The URL is the address of any file or web site in the Internet. The URL was started by Tim Berners Lee in 1994. As the name suggests, it is used to locate any resources on the web. Any URL contains the name of the resource and the protocol that is used to access the resource.  The first part of the URL identifies which protocol will be used, while the second part identifies the IP address or domain name where the resource is located.

URL is an address, which tells us the address of the website, if there was not a URL in the world of internet, then today we might not be able to go to any website and read our work, the unique name or address of a website, so that it will be  But it is known, recognized and used, we call it URL in easy words. It is also called Uniform Resource Locator. The common form of a web address is as follows. We are able to visit any website through the URL itself, the URL of any page on the Internet is not the same, and that is why we are able to read and visit our favorite website.

Abbreviated as URL, a uniform resource locator is a way to identify the location of a file on the Internet.  They are what we use not only to open websites, but also to download images, videos, software programs, and other types of files that are hosted on servers.  For your information here, let us tell you that when you go into a browser using the internet, do some search and in the tab of the browser there is a website link show as well as there is more text show with the same website link in total.  They are all called url. Actually url is a location which is called by url name in computer language.

Opening a local file on your computer is as easy as double-clicking it, but to open files on a remote computer such as a web server, we must use the URL so that our web browser knows where to look.  For example, opening an HTML file representing a web page, described below, is done by entering it in the navigation bar at the top of the browser you are using.

Uniform resource locators are usually abbreviated as URLs but are also referred to as website addresses when they refer to URLs that use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.  The URL is usually spoken individually for each letter (ie u - r - l, not the hypotenuse). It used to be an abbreviation for Universal Resource Locator before being converted into a Uniform Resource Locator.

The full name of the URL is Uniform Resource Locator, it is a formatted text string that is used in Web Browser, email clients or any other software to find a network resource.  Network resources can be any files such as Web Pages, Text Document, Graphics or Programs. If you are an internet user, then you must have used the URL many times to open any website or search for anything, but you will hardly have full information about it, the URL is an easy way to reach any website.  Is the way. If you want to reach any website easily, then one thing is very important, and this is the URL address of that website, the entire URL of a website is created by adding dot (.) Between all these parts. There is only one colon (:) and two slashes (//) after the name of the protocol, eg


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What is the meaning of URL?, What is URL, URL invented.

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